What details do you need to pay attention to when installing cantilever racks?

Cantilever racks are a common logistics warehousing equipment that provide more storage space through the cantilever structure and improve the storage capacity of the warehouse. Installing cantilever racks can not only improve work efficiency, but also effectively ensure the safety of goods. However, there are many details that need to be paid attention to when installing cantilever racks to ensure installation quality and safety. This article explains in detail the precautions from the following aspects.




1. Select the installation site

Before installing cantilever racks, you should first select a suitable installation site. A sufficiently spacious site should be selected based on the quantity and type of goods, the operational needs of the administrator, the size of the cantilever racks and other factors to ensure that the installation of the racks does not affect the normal operation of the warehouse. In addition, the floor of the installation site must be flat, with no obvious elevations or depressions, and no accumulation of water to ensure the safety and stability of the racks.


2. Prepare installation tools and personnel

Before installing cantilever racks, you need to prepare the required tools and personnel. Tools include hole punches, electric hammers, electric screwdrivers, safety belts, traction pulleys, etc. Personnel arrangements should fully consider the number of people and work intensity required for the entire installation process to ensure smooth and efficient work and ensure personnel safety.


3. Review of cantilever rack materials

When purchasing and installing cantilever racks, attention should be paid to the review of materials. The quality and quality of the materials should be confirmed, check whether all parts are complete and intact, and whether the material packaging is intact. At the same time, it is also necessary to check whether the dimensions of the racks meet the installation requirements and must not be defective or defective to ensure the quality and safety of the installation.


4. The basis of cantilever racks

The foundation of the cantilever rack is the key to installation. Only by installing the foundation correctly can the stability and safety of the rack be ensured. When installing the foundation, you should first determine the installation position and direction of the rack, drill the holes according to the specifications, and fix the fixed iron plate on the ground to ensure good fixation. It should be noted that installing racks on deformed and uneven floors will cause the racks to become deformed and unstable.


5. Assembly of cantilever racks

When assembling cantilever racks, materials and installation instructions should be strictly followed, and no parts should be changed or omitted at will. During the assembly process, attention should be paid to the installation sequence and direction of each component to ensure correct assembly. For parts that cannot be installed well (such as long arms or ladders, etc.), special attention should be paid to installation and maintenance. In addition, safety belts and other protective measures must be used during the assembly process to ensure work safety.


6. Load and height of cantilever racks

The installation of cantilever racks must be reasonably designed and structurally matched according to factors such as the quantity, geometric volume, weight of the goods, area and height of the warehouse, so that it meets the specifications. It should be noted that the height of the cantilever racks should not be higher than the safety requirements, and the load capacity should also be based on the design requirements of the racks and should not be adjusted at will to ensure the safety and stability of the racks.


To sum up, the installation of cantilever racks requires attention to many details and requires reasonable planning and layout. During the installation process, operations should be carried out according to the materials and installation instructions to ensure installation quality and safety. During use, maintenance and inspection must be carried out according to the specific conditions of the warehouse, problems can be discovered and solved in a timely manner, and the service life and safety of the racks can be improved.