How to extend the service life of industrial storage racks?

As the main equipment for enterprise warehousing, industrial storage racks have made great contributions to the warehousing management of enterprises, making them operate better. Warehouse racks are generally made of metal and have a certain load-bearing strength to withstand the pressure of goods. Many times, it is not necessary to focus solely on the appearance of industrial storage rack products like other products. However, the most important issues that people are concerned about are rack stability, process issues, and warehouse rack life. As we all know, any product has a rack life, and if it continues to be used beyond this limit, it can easily cause various problems, and even endanger personal safety.

There are many common factors that affect the service life of warehouse racks in enterprises, such as temperature, humidity, lighting, ventilation conditions, etc. If the humidity in the warehouse is too high, it can cause rusting of the racks, reduce their load-bearing capacity, and reduce their service life. So what should we do to extend the industrial storage rack life of the warehouse?


1. The weight of goods placed on the racks must be within the capacity of the racks. It is best for warehouse clerks to make load-bearing and load-limiting markings on the racks. We should follow the principle of placing heavy objects at the bottom of the rack and placing light objects at the top.

2. Establish an industrial storage rack usage system. Different warehouses, different goods, and racks in each warehouse have different usage methods. Warehouse managers should establish rack usage regulations to ensure that every rack user learns and follows them.

3. Regularly apply protective paint to reduce rusting, conduct daily inspections, fix any loose screws in a timely manner, provide timely ventilation, and ensure that the warehouse is not excessively damp.

4. Both heavy-duty and high-rise rack warehouses must be equipped with powered lifting trucks, and the use and operation of lifting trucks must only be operated by certified personnel.

5. Avoid excessive sunlight exposure, ventilate the racks reasonably, and prevent wet goods from being placed on the racks. Drainage and dehumidification should be done as much as possible.

6. Provide a set of anti-collision pillars according to different racks, channel widths, and transportation tools. Install anti-collision guardrails at the channel location, and the majority of the deformation of warehouse racks and columns is caused by non-designated personnel using pushers.

So if you want to extend the service life of industrial storage racks, remember the six points mentioned above. Proper and reasonable use of racks is protection for racks and personal safety, avoiding unnecessary dangers and bringing greater benefits to enterprises.